Are you ready for Winter Sports?

It’s getting cold in New England, which means one thing – winter sports are just around the corner! Whoo hoo!

The transition from fall to winter sports can be tricky for many. Winter sports are a great way to stay active during colder months, as long as you participate with common sense and caution. Do not take on more than your skill level will safely allow, and wear the right protective equipment to ensure you can enjoy your sport for the full winter season!

Did you know that more than 440,000 people were treated at hospitals, doctor’s offices, and emergency rooms for winter sports-related injuries in ONE year according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission?

Common winter sports injuries include sprains, strains, dislocations, and fractures. Many of these injuries happen at the end of the day when people overexert themselves to finish that one last run. A majority of these injuries can easily be prevented if you prepare for your sport, stop when you are fatigued and stay alert for change of conditions and other people around you.

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Keep in shape and strengthen the lower extremities and torso before the winter season starts.
  2. Warm up thoroughly before participating in your winter activity. Cold muscles, tendons, and ligaments are more vulnerable to injury.
  3. Wear appropriate protective gear – including goggles, helmets, gloves, and padding.
  4. Check that equipment is working properly prior to use.
  5. Learn how to fall correctly and safely so you can reduce the risk of injury by falling on your side or buttocks and rolling rather than bracing yourself with your hands.
  6. Avoid participating in sports when you are in pain or exhausted.

Working with a PT at Fitzgerald Physical Therapy can also help you avoid a winter injury. We would begin by evaluating your trunk and lower extremity strength, endurance, balance and flexibility to diagnose and identify any muscle imbalances that could predispose you to injury. We will then develop a individualized treatment plan to help you prepare for the winter sports season. Contact us now to set up an appointment and start your winter sports season out right!

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